
Essay in the Amsterdam Museum Journal

Migrant Mental Healthcare, Conflict, and Embodied Experiences.

Read the full essay here: Migrant-Mental-Healthcare_Gian-Hernandez.pdf (amsterdammuseum.nl)

First version information videos about mental health(care)

The first versions of informative videos on mental health(care) are now online. The videos address 8 themes regarding mental health(care). Please click the links to watch the video.

1) Information regarding mental health conditions

2) Information regarding healthcare providers

3) Information regarding the healthcare system

4) Information regarding language service providers/interpreters

5) Stigma

6) Experiences with the healthcare system and discrimination

7) Linguistic differences and solutions

8) Cultural differences and solutions

12th International Conference of Corpus Linguistics Presentation

Dr. Fang Wang (Lecturer in Translation at University of Surrey) presented at the International Conference of Corpus Linguistics, one of the most important conferences about research in the field of corpus linguistics. The talk was well-received and stimulated very engaging and positive comments. We hope this can bring the Mhealth4all project to a wider audience!

International Communication Association Conference Presentation

Dr. Gian Hernandez (Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Amsterdam) presented a paper drawing on interviews with third-country nationals in the Netherlands at the International Communication Association Conference in Toronto, Canada on May, 25th, 2023.

D.C Health Communication Conference Presentation

Dr. Melanie de Looper (Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Amsterdam) presented the Mhealth4all Project at the D.C. Health Communication Conference in Washington, D.C., USA on April 28th, 2023

Workshop Mental health for all, from evidence to engagement

Video’s from the workshop held at the University of Genova on March 2nd

First version of Mentalhealth4all information portal online

A first version of our information portal is now online. Healthcare workers and clients can search for online resources that provide support for mental health.

Visit the portal here: https://mentalhealth4all.eu/

Article in journal Patient Education and Counseling

Language and cultural discordance between practitioners and refugees in mental healthcare consultations: Developing a promising European intervention to break down barriers

Read the full article here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2022.08.003

Access To Mental Healthcare: Bridging The Language Gap

New media could be the answer to the problem of lack of interpreters in Lithuania, Dr. Dalia Mankauskienė stated during the Intermediality in Communication Conference in Lithuania.

Read the full article here: https://www.mhealth4all.eu/output/access-to-mental-healthcare-bridging-the-language-gap/

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