Latest Past Events

Symposium: Communication in Mental Health(care): Promoting Inclusion and Diversity

The Amsterdam Center for Health Communication (ACHC) is hosting a fall symposium on Friday, Nov. 24. This time the theme is "Communication in Mental Health(Care): Promoting Inclusion and Diversity." Members of the Mhealth4all Consortium will speak about the research being under the umbrella of the Mental Health 4 All project. Registration can be done by

Workshop: Communication Situations, Strategies & Procedures in Crisis Interpreting

Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre Trieda Andreja Hlinku 1, Nitra

This event was created with the support of the projects KEGA 010UKF 4/2022 PSI collaborative training in Slovakia: Design, implementation and evaluation of courses for public service interpreters, as well as the Mental Health 4 All project.

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