Access To Mental Healthcare: Bridging The Language Gap

Access to mental healthcare should be the right of every person, yet very often this access is hindered by the lack of knowledge of the local language (cf. Fn et al. 2019; Gil-Salmerón et al. 2021) which is a barrier at two points: finding information about the services available and then being able to communicate with a specialist. The former gap is easily solved with translation, while the latter could be filled by professionally trained public service interpreters.

Dr. Dalia Mankauskienė

Assistant Professor Vilnius University

The presence of an interpreter usually improves the quality of care (Flores 2005), yet some studies indicate that it does not guarantee patient satisfaction (Bauer and Alegría 2010; Baker, Hayes, and Fortier 1998) and suggestions have been made how that could be improved (Chang et al. 2021; Nevado, Pelea, and Bobăilă 2020). However, public service interpreters are not trained in Lithuania and it is still a budding profession (cf. Kukulskytė 2017). Therefore other solutions to this problem should be looked at and new media could be the answer.

As mentioned above, the access to mental healthcare is hindered at two points, therefore the goal of this presentation is also twofold: 1) to look into what information is available for non-Lithuanian speakers in terms of access to mental healthcare and 2) to discuss the good case practices in use of new media when interpreters are not available. To accomplish the first part of the goal a thorough internet analysis and a number of informal interviews were conducted as part of an international project MHealth4All ( It revealed that the number of resources dealing with access to mental healthcare in Lithuania available in any language other than Lithuanian is very low. In some cases information intended for foreigners is available only in Lithuanian. The second part of the goal is achieved by analysing data from other countries which reveals successful use of machine translation tools, specific pictograms and apps built specifically for this purpose.

Baker, D. W., R. Hayes, and J. P. Fortier. 1998. ‘Interpreter Use and Satisfaction with Interpersonal Aspects of Care for Spanish-Speaking Patients’. Medical Care 36 (10): 1461–70.

Bauer, Amy M., and Margarita Alegría. 2010. ‘Impact of Patient Language Proficiency and Interpreter Service Use on the Quality of Psychiatric Care: A Systematic Review’. Psychiatric Services 61 (8): 765–73.

Chang, Doris F., Elaine Hsieh, William B. Somerville, Jon Dimond, Monica Thomas, Andel Nicasio, Marit Boiler, and Roberto Lewis-Fernández. 2021. ‘Rethinking Interpreter Functions in Mental Health Services’. Psychiatric Services 72 (3): 353–57.

Flores, Glenn. 2005. ‘The Impact of Medical Interpreter Services on the Quality of Health Care: A Systematic Review’. Medical Care Research and Review: MCRR 62 (3): 255–99.

Fn, Jaeger, Pellaud N, Laville B, and Klauser P. 2019. ‘The Migration-Related Language Barrier and Professional Interpreter Use in Primary Health Care in Switzerland’. BMC Health Services Research 19 (1).

Gil-Salmerón, Alejandro, Konstantinos Katsas, Elena Riza, Pania Karnaki, and Athena Linos. 2021. ‘Access to Healthcare for Migrant Patients in Europe: Healthcare Discrimination and Translation Services’. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (15): 7901.

Kukulskytė, Rūta. 2017. ‘Bendruomenės vertimas Lietuvoje prieglobsčio prašymo procedūrose’. Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas. Prieiga per eLABa – nacionalinė Lietuvos akademinė elektroninė biblioteka.

Nevado, Almudena, Alina Pelea, and Iulia Bobăilă. 2020. ‘Digital Resources for Medical Interpreting Training: A New Role for Trainers? Recursos Digitales Para La Formación de Intérpretes En Ámbito Sanitario: ¿un Nuevo Papel Para Los Formadores?’ Sendebar 31 (October).

Evaluation of the digital multilingual information and communication platform in practice

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Co-creation of educational videos for healthcare providers

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Co-creation of patient educational narratives

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UNIS: Barriers, Needs and Communication Strategies

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Mapping existing resources

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Project Management

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